Do other people drive your car? Do they have a CCW? Do they even know there's a gun in the glove box? Check your local laws, but in Michigan, unless you have a CCW, you can't keep a loaded handgun anywhere in the car. If your wife, significant other, or teenage son gets pulled over driving your car, it doesn't matter if they didn't know there was a pistol in the car, they're going to jail. I have a very funny story about this involving my car, a fender-bender, an irate driver, and my wife€¦.well, she didn't think it was funny at the time, but the other driver suddenly got very polite.
I keep a handgun in the glove compartment of my car, and recently got to wondering if, in this age of CCW, how many people still do the same. Am I in the minority on this? Don't get me wrong, I have a CCW (in Michigan they are CPLs, Concealed Pistol Licenses) and carry on a daily basis, but getting to a strong-side hip holster while seat-belted in behind the wheel can be problematic. I can get to the pistol in my glove box at least as quick as I can the one on my hip, and it's always there.
Keeping a pistol in your glove compartment, however, isn't a 'throw it in there and forget about it until you need it ' proposition, no matter how much you'd like it to be. There are a number of things to consider...let's take a look€¦
People get pulled over all the time by the police for all sorts of reasons. Do you keep your registration in the glove compartment? If you've got a gun in there, don't open up your glovebox. Inform the officer that you have a CCW and there is a loaded gun stored with your registration/proof of insurance/whatever, and follow his instructions. In many states you're required to let the officer know if you're armed when they approach you. Pistols in your glove compartment count.
If there's a gun in your glove compartment, can you even see it, much less find it? For the lead photo in this blog post, just so the gun could be visible, I had to remove about 20 things from my glove compartment, including a tape measure, shooting glasses, a multi-tool, FedEx receipts, a dog tag, and a bunch of other things that would only interfere with my ability to get to that pistol quickly. Time to clean out the glove box. (The one thing I didn't find in my glove compartment? Gloves.)
What kind of gun do you have in your glove box? When it comes to putting a pistol in a compartment that, by its very nature, will bounce and shake repeatedly, there are dos and don'ts. Cocked and locked 1911s and glove boxes are a very bad mix -- it won't take long at all for that thumb safety to get knocked off, and then you'll have a loaded gun pointing€¦somewhere. If there are a bunch of odds and ends in there with the pistol, that could be wedged into the trigger guard, maybe any type of handgun with a relatively light trigger and no manual safety is a bad idea. Also, how big is your glove compartment? Is there a chance the pistol can move around enough to be pointed at you when you go to pull it out?
Even though I have an attached garage at my home, I still do a lot of driving around the country, and the interior temperature of my vehicle will vary wildly throughout the year, from -10 below to 120 degrees F. I don't know what that huge variance in temperature will do to the primers and gunpowder in the cartridges loaded into my glovebox gun, but I know it's nothing good. I try to switch out the ammo in my car gun every six months or so, just in case.