September 24, 2010
By Dan C. Johnson
Leight offers a line of earmuffs and earplugs for shooters and is very active in educating the public on the dangers of hearing loss and methods of protection.
By Dan Johnson
Even with all the good information available to us today about the dangers of loud noises and the importance of wearing good hearing protection when engaged in activities such as shooting, there are still some who ignore the warnings. I was at a public range the other day and saw a shooter stuffing wadded-up tissue paper in his ears before stepping to the firing line. Not being the shy type, I wandered over to enlighten him on the dangers of hearing loss. I had to turn my hearing aid on first, though, because back when I first started shooting, the dangers were not as well publicized. There is no excuse not to wear good hearing protection today. The dangers are clear. Please heed them.
I'm sure Howard Leight will forgive me for using some of the limited space here to emphasize the importance of protecting your hearing. Howard Leight Industries was founded in 1971 and has grown to be the largest supplier of hearing protection devices for industrial use. Leight also offers a line of earmuffs and earplugs for shooters. Howard Leight is very active in educating the public on the dangers of hearing loss and methods of protection. The company's website offers about all the information a layman can digest on this subject. Check it out.
Source Howard Leight Hearing Protection 7828 Waterville Rd. San Diego, CA 92154 (800) 327-1110
I have been using a set of Leight's Model LM29 Cyclone muffs for a few weeks now, and I am impressed with the comfort and hearing protection provided for a reasonable cost. These muffs are lightweight, fold up for easy storage in your range bag and are designed for extended wear so your ears won't start throbbing from a poor fit halfway through a session. They also offer the highest noise-reduction rating available in a folding earmuff. What else need be said about a set of earmuffs? I highly recommend the Howard Leight Cyclones, but the important thing is to use them.